Tiny tooth fairy letter template
Tiny tooth fairy letter template

tiny tooth fairy letter template
  1. Tiny tooth fairy letter template plus#
  2. Tiny tooth fairy letter template free#

True story: In 2020, we sent our daughters photos of the tooth posed in front of various famous or fabulous vistas (like how people take snapshots of gnomes on vacations). For older kids you can include more details, but still try to keep it simple because otherwise, you risk saying too much or giving too much away! Remember-the older the child gets, the trickier it can be making the note seem authentic. Especially with younger children, you don't want to make the message too complicated. Would it be written on a leaf?! Will you enclose the letter in an envelope-if so, how would it be addressed? Do you have any stickers or can you include a little doodle? What kind of paper would a fairy use? A tiny Tooth Fairy might leave a tiny fairy-sized note.

tiny tooth fairy letter template

(Yes, you could also type and print if you want to, but this may reduce some of the charm.) Don't forget to write in an easy-to-read handwriting, though, as most young kids have a hard time reading cursive. Try writing with your left hand or ask a friend to write the note for you. You will want to either type the letter or write it in a style that your child won't recognize, especially if your kid is skeptical (like mine) and will be sleuthing for clues. What current events might be important to mention? For example, did that big storm/game/news event make it hard for the Tooth Fairy to get there? Also, what does the Fairy plan on doing with the tooth? Specific details will make the letter feel more personal and meaningful. You might compliment or remark on the quality of the tooth or the tooth-losing process or say something about how the child has been brushing and flossing. What other personal details about the child can you include? It's always thrilling to see your name written out, especially if a fairy wrote it! Your kids will be thrilled to know that the Tooth Fairy knows something personal about them. Or you can just print it out as a fun activity to do in anticipation of the Tooth Fairy’s arrival. It also works great as an extra gift if the Tooth Fairy forgot to come.

Tiny tooth fairy letter template free#

If you want a cute Tooth Fairy coloring sheet to add to the gifts that the Tooth Fairy leaves, you can grab my free printable. Most even have the official stamp of the Tooth Fairy at the bottom so your child will know it’s official Tooth Fairy mail. I tried to make these as cute and believable as possible. I hope you find the perfect letter from the Tooth Fairy for your child on this list. It has a blue background with clouds and a cute Tooth Fairy. This note from the Tooth Fairy template is great for girls or boys. This cute custom mini Tooth Fairy wand is an adorable way to make your little lady smile. It has a cute pink background and an adorable Tooth Fairy. If your little girl loves pretty pink things, then this message from the Tooth Fairy for girls is going to be right up her alley. This note from the Tooth Fairy for boys is just perfect for your little guy. Sometimes the whole Tooth Fairy thing can feel a bit girly. This Tooth Fairy apology letter will help smooth things over with your little one who is probably feeling very disappointed. If the Tooth Fairy forgot to come she has some explaining to do.

tiny tooth fairy letter template

It’s a cute tooth shape with a special message for losing their first tooth. This note from the Tooth Fairy is for your child’s first tooth lost. If you want a tooth receipt from the Tooth Fairy to add to the magic, I made free printable ones to match these letters. You can get an editable tiny tooth shaped Tooth Fairy letter here if you want to leave a special customized message from the Tooth Fairy for your little one. You can use it over and over again year after year and tooth after tooth.

Tiny tooth fairy letter template plus#

Plus you can change the message for any situation like first tooth, swallowed tooth or an apology. The free Tooth Fairy letters below are cute and will surprise your little one that the Tooth Fairy left them a special letter, but if you want to make it really special, a custom letter with their name a message just for them from the Tooth Fairy is the way to go. I tried to keep them simple and general to avoid any conflicts of stories in your Tooth Fairy traditions. I hope you love the Tooth Fairy messages that I wrote in these notes. Once you’re on the post of the Tooth Fairy letter you want to print out, there will be instructions for printing and even instructions for printing a tiny Tooth Fairy letter if you want a mini fairy sized version.

tiny tooth fairy letter template

I put my heart into making all 5 of these Tooth Fairy letter templates and I hope you think they’re adorable.Įach link will take you to my post where that printable Tooth Fairy note lives on my site. I’m super excited about sharing my cute free printable Tooth Fairy letters with you today.

Tiny tooth fairy letter template